History & Culture التاريخ والثقافة
Although the scars of the Vietnam War are still open for many, visitors find a warm welcome among the Vietnamese people, whose character has been shaped by centuries of dynastic rule, French colonialism, and life under communism. Daily life revolves around the family, and although a small portion of the population practices Buddhism and indigenous beliefs, the country has a largely secular attitude. The majority of the population is ethnically Vietnamese, but there are more than 50 minority groups, as well as a significant population of ethnic Chinese.
Vietnam’s Red River Valley was settled by the Hong Bang Dynasty almost 5,000 years ago. The Millennia of dynastic rule was interrupted by intermittent periods of Chinese occupation until the French assumed control in 1887. Vietnam, or French Indochina, became an important source of tobacco, tea, and coffee, and French settlers in Saigon – now Ho Chi Minh City – left their mark on the architecture of the country. Vietnam claimed independence from the French under Ho Chi Minh in 1954, but the ideological divide between the North and South quickly descended into the Vietnam War, which raged until 1976. The country now enjoys relative peace, and the rapid growth of tourism in the last 10 years has created economic stability and employment for many.